Vasily Loskutov

Photographer / Designer

View Portfolio
Lesha B.

Lesha B.

Sankt-Petersburg, studio / 21 July 2008



Sankt-Petersburg, emb.riv.Moyka / 04 March 2009

Magician Roman Borch

Magician Roman Borch

Sankt-Petersburg, studio / 26 March 2010

A look into the future

A look into the future

Sankt-Petersburg, Petergof, Pushkin / 07 September 2010

Rabbits of Roman Borsch

Rabbits of Roman Borsch

St.Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt / 30 November 2013

Three heroes

Three heroes

Sankt-Petersburg, Petergof, Pushkin / 07 September 2010



Sankt-Petersburg, studio / 18 February 2011



Sankt-Petersburg, studio / 10 December 2009

Photography for the performance Froth on the Daydream by Boris Vian

Photography for the performance Froth on the Daydream by Boris Vian

Buehnenproduktion Tanya Weinstein, Veranstaltungsort Skorokhod, Sankt-Petersburg / Stage production Tanya Weinstein, Skorokhod Venue, Saint-Petersburg / 30 August 2013

Ueber mich

Vasiliy Loskutov

Fotograf / Designer

in Kasachstan geboren, 
in Russland studiert, 
in Sankt Petersburg gearbeitet und gelebt. 
Seit 2018 lebe ich in Deutschland, analog und digital. 
Mein Laptop und meine Kamera habe ich immer dabei.

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